Brand New ERC-20 Token!
VACN Coin is ERC-20 token made on Ethereum network. Maximum supply of VACN (VN) is 200 million coins. VACN Coin’s source code have been verified on Etherscan.
Low Fees
VACN Coin has low transaction Fees than Bitcoin because it is made on Ethereum network.
Quick Transaction
With low Fees the transactions are also very fast on Ethereum network which is the Best for a new coin!
Check us on blockchain
VACN Coin is ERC-20 ‘Token’ which is a uniquely branded token built upon the Ethereum Blockchain’s Network.
Verified Token
VACN Coin’s source code has been verified via Etherscan as a valid ERC-20 Source Code. This is a sign of confidence for users.
Your destiny is waiting
As studies and leaders have shown, Regulatory Compliance, especially FiberToken and Counter Terrorist Financing (CTF) for Blockchain and virtual currencies has been a massive roadblock to their overall mass adoption. FiberToken provides access to to a secure and transparent blockchain economy – it protects you, your partners and clients from potential risks and allows for commercial adoption and growth.
With Social Trader Tools you can offer your own trading account out to other users as a signal via a signal page. The core feature of Social Trader Tools is trade copying. Our trade copier is the fastest copier in the market with an average replication speed of 50ms. If you are looking to start a trading business or have an existing brand, you can whitelabel our platform and offer out signals to your own audience. Whitelabels can be setup with a signal leaderboard, creating your own mini signal site.o.
Total supply=200,000,000
Features at a glance
Manage an as many MT4 accounts as needed.
Manage accounts from the desk or on the go.
Accounts hosted securely in the cloud 24/7.
Real time email alerts for any trading activity.
If you are looking to start a trading business or have an existing brand, you can whitelabel our platform and offer out signals to your own audience. Whitelabels can be setup with a signal leaderboard, creating your own mini signal site. You can choose from various stlye options and add your brands logo. You can also restrict what brokers can be used on your Whitelabel and even add a broker affiliate link to funnel users to your preferred broker. Whitelabels are currently FREE. This will be changing soon, so don’t delay and get yours setup today!
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